Special preventive stays

Immunity plays an irreplaceable role in human health and is strongly interlaced with our mental well-being. For generations, the spa environment has been a sought-out place for regeneration and rest. The stereotype that spa stays are only for older patients following a medical procedure is no longer valid.

Imunita hraje v lidském zdraví nezastupitelnou roli a je pevně provázána s naší duševní pohodou. Lázeňské prostředí je po generace vyhledávaným místem pro regeneraci a odpočinek. Už dávno neplatí, že lázeňské pobyty jsou jen pro starší pacienty po lékařském zákroku

Choose your stay for boosting your immunity

The prevention in combination with the therapeutic power of spa programmes is able to effectively launch the important defensive processes of our bodies. Take a break from your work and other obligations and concentrate on yourselves and your bodies for a while. Prevention and caring for one’s health have always been, are, and always will be a key component of spa stays, and your body will benefit from these preventive programmes even when you return to work.

01/01      Photos gallery


01/01      Photos gallery

Weekdays in the spa

01/01      Photos gallery

Detox Package

01/01      Photos gallery

Relaxation for all generations

01/01      Photos gallery


01/01      Photos gallery

Stay to empower immunity

01/01      Photos gallery