01/01 Photos gallery
For immunity
- Hotel: Spa hotel Kriváň
- Category: 3*
- Town: Karlovy Vary
- Number of nights: 6
- Price from: 594 €
The spa stays, which
optimally last 2-3 weeks, can be recommended for treating various health problems, to speed up convalescence after
suffering an acute illness or injury, and to relieve chronic health issues.The
unique natural resources, combined with the first-rate care of expert
physicians and a qualified healthcare staff, will help you prevent and treat
diseases, or to recuperate after operations or exhausting diseases. Take full
advantage of the healing powers of nature.
Po prodělání onemocnění covid-19 mohou obtíže přetrvávat několik měsíců. Mezi ty nejčastější patří dušnost, snížená kapacita plic, únavový syndrom, bolesti hlavy, svalů a kloubů, nižší tělesná a psychická kondice či komplikace u chronických nemocí. Lázně Karlovarského kraje mají dlouhodobou zkušenost s rehabilitací plicních, metabolických, cévních, neurologických onemocnění i léčbou pohybového aparátu.
Therapeutic Stays
The exceptional spa treatment in Karlovy Vary, which has been beyond compare for centuries, is based on the personalised prescription of the drinking cure, to be taken directly at the thermal mineral springs, by a medical specialist.
The rehydration of the body, an active climate therapy programme with exercise in nature, and the utilisation of natural healing resources in the form of spa procedures (mineral water, mud, gas) all boost the immune system. To educate towards a healthy lifestyle and to adjust your chrono-biological clock, I recommend a three-week stay with sufficient sleep and a healthy diet.“
Senior Doctor Dr Milada Sárová
01/06 Doctors’ opinions
The complex Karlovy Vary spa treatment has long-term experience in treating diabetes mellitus, obesity, diseases of the liver, the pancreas, the gall bladder, and non-specific intestinal inflammation.
The beneficial effects of the hot Karlovy Vary mineral waters used for the drinking cure are utilised in combination with a diet and physical therapy
Senior Doctor Dr Ladislav Špišák, CSc
02/06 Doctors’ opinions
The drinking cure is a complex process, and it is always necessary to keep in mind that a certain spring is suitable for specific problems and can be highly inappropriate for others. It is always necessary to consult your drinking cure with a physician, since an improperly applied drinking cure can do harm.
MUDr. Pavel Knára
03/06 Doctors’ opinions
Františkovy Lázně, a small town, but a large spa with a tradition reaching back to 1793.
The spa is a way of improving health proven by the centuries. The combination of natural forces and medical expertise will have a positive effect on anyone who values their health and decides to support their vitality with a spa treatment stay. The Františkovy Lázně Therapeutic Treatment that utilises the local natural healing resources in combination with the most modern medical methods is therefore a guarantee of the successfulspa treatment in Františkovy Lázně.
Head physician Dr Robert Michalič
04/06 Doctors’ opinions
The unique Jáchymov treatment
The spa in Jáchymov was established in 1906 as the first radon spa in the world. The unique radon water effectively helps treat diseases of the locomotor system. No other European spa has such a high concentration of radon in the natural mineral water as Jáchymov. Thanks to this, our spa is the most effective radon spa in Europe. The basis of effective spa treatment in Jáchymov is the combination of unique radon water baths with first-rate rehabilitation. Based on the initial physical examination, the spa physician will prescribe the most suitable procedures using the curative radon water, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. The expertly managed spa treatment reduces the need of medicated treatment and improves the quality of life for a period of up to 8-10 months. To achieve the maximum treatment effect, it is recommended that one take twenty-four radon baths per year.
Senior Doctor Dr Jindřich Maršík
05/06 Doctors’ opinions
The long-term study called “The effect of spa treatment on children” unequivocally showed positive results – after undergoing (repeated) treatments at the spa in Lázně Kynžvart, the health and quality of life of 75–78% of patients was improved.
Dr Dana Šašková
06/06 Doctors’ opinions
Recovery after Covid-19
Why do doctors recommend the spas of the Karlovy Vary Region?
Senior Doctor Dr Ladislav Špišák, CSc
Senior Doctor Dr Marie Rebjonková
Dr Pavel Knára
Senior Doctor Dr Robert Michalič
MUDr. Dana Šašková
05/06 Doctors’ opinions
Senior Doctor Dr Jindřich Maršík, MBA
06/06 Doctors’ opinions
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