Therapeutic and Convalescence Stays

The spa stays, which optimally last 2-3 weeks, can be recommended for treating various health problems, to speed up convalescence after suffering an acute illness or injury, and to relieve chronic health issues.The unique natural resources, combined with the first-rate care of expert physicians and a qualified healthcare staff, will help you prevent and treat diseases, or to recuperate after operations or exhausting diseases. Take full advantage of the healing powers of nature.

Po prodělání onemocnění covid-19 mohou obtíže přetrvávat několik měsíců. Mezi ty nejčastější patří dušnost, snížená kapacita plic, únavový syndrom, bolesti hlavy, svalů a kloubů, nižší tělesná a psychická kondice či komplikace u chronických nemocí. Lázně Karlovarského kraje mají dlouhodobou zkušenost s rehabilitací plicních, metabolických, cévních, neurologických onemocnění i léčbou pohybového aparátu. 

Therapeutic Stays

Treat your body to spa care that is markedly gentler than taking medications or a radical, irreversible medical operation. Clients primarily with metabolic disorders and digestive tract diseases come to Karlovy Vary. Mariánské Lázně is famous for treating diseases of the respiratory system, the urinary tract, and the locomotor system. In Františkovy Lázně, you will be treated not only for disorders of the locomotor system, but also for cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, and gynaecological disorders. Lázně Jáchymov specialises in treating the locomotor system and is a great help in treating chronic pain. Lázně Kynžvart has extensive experience in treating the respiratory system in both children and adults.

Recovery after Covid-19

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After experiencing covid-19, difficulties may persist for several months. The most common ones include shortness of breath, reduced lung capacity, fatigue syndrome, headaches, muscle and joint pain, reduced physical and mental fitness or complications from chronic illnesses. Inhalation of springs, breathing exercises with a physiotherapist, treatments with carbon dioxide, oxygen therapy, therapeutic physical education, radon baths in Jáchymov, as well as exercise in the pure nature of the Ore Mountains and the Slavkov Forest are used to treat post-covida syndrome, regenerate the body and reduce fatigue.
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Why do doctors recommend the spas of the Karlovy Vary Region?

Choose your Therapeutic Stay

Come and recharge your batteries with natural healing resources and spa treatments.

01/01      Photos gallery

Treatment stay for 4+1 night for free

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Thermal Therapeutic Stay

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Antistress programme

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Medical Spa Premium

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01/01      Photos gallery

Spa stay not only for seniors

01/01      Photos gallery

SPA on test